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Posts about our travelling family circus.


Lessons Brazil Has Taught Me: Life is Good at the Beach (Part 1)

This is part 1 in a series of posts about the ways Brazil has marked me forever over these past 7 years. Read the introduction here.

Juquehy Beach, 2025, Entrance 4

We just returned from spending half of Carnaval week at the beach, so I’m feeling the beach glory right now. That’s where I’ll start.

Juquehy, 2025
Juquehy, 2025

You know how in English we say “Happy Friday!” or “Merry Christmas”? Well, Brazilians tend to wish you well on more than just holidays or Fridays. This is actually a great way to give you a window into some of the friendliest and happiest people on the planet. Brazilians wish others well and celebrate a variety of occasions (more to come on that in a future post), and you feel sort of bathed in good vibes. Yes, the French may have invented “bon apetite,” which Brazilians also say, but why not wish fellow humans well no matter what they are doing?

When you go to the beach, people will wish you a “Boa praia” (BOH-ah PRIGH-ah) which is like saying “Happy beaching!” or “We wish you a merry beach day.” Honestly, it’s like saying “Good morning.” Beaches here are a way of life, a temple, a sanctuary. And wishing someone a good day at the beach is just about the best way to show your kindness.

The beach is deeply significant in Brazil for many reasons. First, because the Portuguese were the first European settlers in Brazil, and they were master navigators. Here’s a great way to illustrate this: you know the ukulele? That is an instrument brought to Hawaii by the Portuguese. They brought a similar instrument to Brazil (the cavaco) and they also spread that same instrument to Indonesia, the kroncong! The Portuguese got around, and they got there by sailing. Magellan was Portuguese, and although he’s the most famous Portuguese navigator, he was just the big name among a slew of sailors.

Then you have to consider the 5 million Africans brought forcibly across the Atlantic ocean to Brazil. The enslaved Africans were forced to be baptized and had to officially be Christian, but they melded and merged West African religions and gods with the Catholic trinity and saints in what is called syncretism. Many of the Afro-Brazilian syncretic religions (candomblé, for example) have a strong link to the ocean. Iemanjá (yeh-mahn-ZHA) is the queen of the ocean and goddess of fresh and salt water. She also gets linked to or blened with Mary, as the symbolic mother. Many of the rituals in Afro-Brazilian religions involve the ocean, honoring the passage of the enslaved people and looking toward Africa, and Iemanjá is often featured.

On New Year’s Eve, the tradition in Brazil is to jump over seven ocean waves and make a wish for each one. Here, the ocean provides.

Regardless of their heritage or religious affiliation, Brazilians love to go the beach. When we first moved here, I don’t think I really got it. People kept talking about going to the beach. I went to the beach in North Carolina each summer, and I loved it, but it seemed different here. First of all, people don’t just go once a year. The Litoral Norte (north coast) of São Paulo is only 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours away. Many people go as often as they can, on long weekends and then on week-long in the summer holidays.

Brazilian beaches prioritize joy and comfort. There are usually roads along the beach with houses and small hotels. Beaches are pretty hopping here. They aren’t exclusive or deserted like beaches can be where the only properties along the ocean are giant spaced-out mansions. People drive in for day, drive in from other areas.

When you’re lucky, your Airbnb has a hammock

On the beach, there are barracas (bah-HA-kahs, food and drink stands) that will rent you chairs and umbrellas. I was worried that these would be crazy expensive like we found when we stayed in Florida. But the cost of renting the umbrellas is low, and the rental cost is waived if you buy food and drinks from stand.

Camburi, 2018

Our generally pattern is to get to the beach around 9:30 or 10 am. We get our two umbrellas and five chairs set up by the beach. We start with cold coconuts hacked open with a machete.

Then we order 2 or 3 plates of corn, freshly boiled and sliced off the cob, with salt and butter. Listen, I’m from corn country, USA, so this isn’t Ohio sweet corn, but it’s still tasty. It’s a bit chewier and a bit less sweet, but no complaints here.

Juquehy 2022

Next up we order our first caipirinha, Brazil’s national cocktail. It’s made with cachaça, a whole cut up and muddled lime, sugar and ice. You have to go slow with caipis. We order the kids fresh muddled lemonades.

Sometimes you gotta get you a Aperol Spritz

Our favorite beach in Brazil is Juquehy. It’s about 3 hours away with no traffic. The beach is wide and flat.

The waves are great for kids to jump in and boogie board on. They can walk into the water a long way before it gets up to their armpits. There are life guards up and down the beach.

2021. Everett was too small to boogie board alone, so he rode David’s back like a monkey.

All day long, vendors walk up and down the beach. You can buy popsicles, açai with fruit and all kinds of toppings, grilled meats and cheeses on sticks, beach clothing like coverups and dresses, jewelry, sand toys and beach games, hammocks, paintings on unmounted canvases, woven blankets, cashews, keychains…really, anything you might want to buy, you can buy without ever getting out of your beach chair. You flag down who you want and pay with the credit card machines they carry with them. The whole world comes to you.

Cheese on a stick in Morro de São Paulo, 2019
Açai on Juquehy Beach, 2021
Açai cart in 2022
Popsicles in 2022

Sometimes we will order lunch from people who grill things on sticks. You can get steak, chicken or sausage on a stick, cheese on a stick (think a fresh, squeaky cheese), or garlic bread. We like our açai with bananas, strawberries and granola. Other times we will order from the barraca (food stand) that we are renting our chairs from. They will have a menu of food that is coming from a kitchen on land. We usually get fried fish strips, fries, fried calamari, pasteis de queijo (a cheese stuffed pastry that is, you got it, deep fried) and sometimes linguiça com cebola (sausage with onions).

Food on a stick cart at Camburi Beach, October 2018
Popsicles in 2021
French fries in 2021

Other days we might go sit at a restaurant that is on the beach and order from their menu. You never have to travel far. Our favorite in Juquei is Badaué.

Watermelon juice in Badaué, the main restaurant just above the sand in 2022
Badaué also has sail cloth seating on the sand in front.
Juquehy, Badaué 2021

They do a clericot com frutas that consists a big pitcher filled with fruit that they pour champagne over.

Champagne with fruit, 2020
Pink champagne in 2021
Whole grilled fish at Badaué, on the beach in front of the restaurant–a favorite!

This last trip we did we splurged and let the kids have two popsicles a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Since we are leaving and getting rid of most of our stuff, I didn’t buy anything else, but I have bought blankets, beach cover ups, sand toys, a volleyball, and jewelry among other things.

(We went to an island off of Salvador, Bahia called Morro de São Paulo and there was a woman who sold drinks out of pineapple. She carved out the inside of the pineapple and blended it into the drink, then poured the whole thing back into the pineapple. It was amazing, despite Calvin’s face below drinking a non-alcholic version.)

The kids alternate between swimming, playing in the sand, and reading in a chair. When Everett was little, he would say, “I’m tired, I want to take a nap” and we’d lay his beach chair flat or spread a towel out, and he’d conk out in the shade for a 2 hour nap. It was awesome.

2019 in Morro de São Paulo
Also, Morro de Sã
o Paulo in 2019
Beach nap, 2021
Beach nap, 2020
Matilda also had a beach nap in 2020

We also like to play a beach racquet ball game called frescobol. I just googled the translation only to learn that it was invented here in Brazil in the 50’s!

The sun is intense, so you really have to keep up with the sunscreen if you have pale skin like us. We’ve got our reply routine pretty solid, and Calvin can do his own sunscreen now (mostly), so we make it work. Everyone brings a wide brim hat and we have swim shirts available if anyone gets too much sun.

Every person you interact with at the beach, rather than saying good bye or thanks or have a nice day, says boa praia. Have a good beach. Oh, it is so good. We stay out from 9 or 10 am until 4 or 5 pm. The kids play and play. We eat and swim and play games. We read and rest and stare at the ocean. The soul is truly purified and renewed.

I run on the beach in the morning before we go out for the day, and it’s gorgeous. On this last trip of ours, I put on a play list of samba classics. This one came up and it felt perfect:

The song title is “O Mar Serenou” which means the ocean calmed down, but the song is often referred to by its chorus: Quem Samba na Beira do Mar, É Sereia, which means anyone who dances samba by the sea is a mermaid.

Portuguese lyricsEnglish translation
O mar serenou quando ela pisou na areia
Quem samba na beira do mar é sereia

O pescador não tem medo
É segredo se volta ou se fica no fundo do mar
Ao ver a morena bonita sambando
Se explica que não vai pescar
Deixa o mar serenar

O mar serenou quando ela pisou na areia
Quem samba na beira do mar é sereia

A lua brilhava vaidosa
De si orgulhosa e prosa com que deus lhe deu
Ao ver a morena sambando
Foi se acabrunhando então adormeceu o sol apareceu

O mar serenou quando ela pisou na areia
Quem samba na beira do mar é sereia

Um frio danado que vinha
Do lado gelado que o povo até se intimidou
Morena aceitou o desafio Sambou
E o frio sentiu seu calor e o samba se esquentou

O mar serenou quando ela pisou na areia
Quem samba na beira do mar é sereia

A estrela que estava escondida
Sentiu-se atraída depois então apareceu
Mas ficou tão enternecida Indagou
A si mesma a estrela afinal será ela ou sou eu

O mar serenou quando ela pisou na areia
Quem samba na beira do mar é sereia
The sea calmed down when she stepped on the sand
Anyone who dances samba by the sea is a mermaid

The fisherman is not afraid
It is a secret whether he returns or stays at the bottom of the sea
Upon seeing the beautiful brunette dancing samba
He explains that he is not going fishing
Let the sea calm down

The sea calmed down when she stepped on the sand
Anyone who dances samba by the sea is a mermaid

The moon shone proudly
Proud of herself and the prose with which God gave her
Upon seeing the brunette dancing samba
She became overwhelmed and fell asleep when the sun appeared
The sea calmed down when she stepped on the sand

Anyone who dances samba by the sea is a mermaid
A damn cold that was coming
From the icy side that even the people were intimidated
The brunette accepted the challenge Samba
And the cold felt her heat and the samba warmed up

The sea calmed down when she stepped on the sand
Anyone who dances samba by the sea is a mermaid

The star that was hidden
She felt attracted and then she appeared
But she was so moved She asked
She was the star, after all, is it her or me

The sea calmed down when she stepped on the sand
Anyone who dances samba by the sea is a mermaid
Morro de São Paulo, 2019
Juquehy 2024

PS: Wanna see Everett in various sand trances? (Note: he’s awake in all these pictures)

PPS: Matilda making poses, most recent to oldest

That’s either popsicle or açai on Calvin’s chin

Finally, PPPS: Our family reading on the beach (my personal dream: where we got to the beach and we all just swim and read)


Lessons Brazil Has Taught Me: Series Introduction

I’ve been cooking a series of blog posts reflecting on the things that Brazil has taught me. Not sure exactly how many parts it will have, but the purpose is to share some of the ways in which Brazil has left its mark on me.

Living in a place for 7 years is bound to change you, no matter the place, but Brazil is very special. The people are very kind and welcoming. The weather here is the weather in heaven–rarely goes below 50F or above 90F. The food is amazing, due to the mix of cultures that make up Brazil’s ethnic heritage, but also because everything grows here in this lush tropical country.

Among the foreign hire teachers at my school, there’s a common refrain: Brazil is hard to leave. It’s so true. My hope is to spend the next few posts sharing some of the reasons for that phenomenon. Brazil has left its mark on my heart (and on my skin!) and I intend to compose some odes how it has shaped my perspective.

The first one is about Brazilian beaches. You know how in English we say “Happy Friday!” or “Merry Christmas”? Well, Brazilians tend to wish you well on more than just holidays or Fridays. When you go to the beach, people will wish you a “Boa praia” which is like saying “Happy beaching!” or “We wish you a merry beach day.” Beaches here are a way of life, a temple, a sanctuary. Look for that post in the next day.


2024: My Year in Running

I’ve been consistently running since 2022, with 2-4 runs per week. I generally aim to run a race every month. (I usually don’t run a race in January, June and December because of travel, holidays and report cards.) This many races is easy in São Paulo, where there are races nearly every weekend. I’m often in crowds of 3,000-5,000 people. It’s intense and fun. I run races in the summers in the US when I can, and those tend to be much smaller, small town runs. I keep my medals and bibs on this thing on my wall:

It’s getting quite full! I might need to start fresh when we move and transfer these medals and bibs to something in our house in Minnesota.

According to Strava, I’ve run 430.9 km so far in 2024. It tells me that is 16% higher than last year when I ran 370.7 km. Timewise, in 2024 I ran for 57 hours and 34 minutes over 119 runs. 119 runs is 21% higher than last year, when I did 98.

Where am I right now as a runner?

I’m running mostly in the afternoons or evenings on school days, and morning or early afternoon on the weekends. I’m pretty flexible and I think that’s a key to my runs. I will squeeze in runs at just about any time. I’m still not a get up and run early kind of person. I’m lucky to live in a condominium with a relatively flat section of road that I can run on, even at 9 pm. I have a rain jacket that I got last year, and that really helps for days when the weather isn’t great. I am trying to minimize barriers to running as much as possible.

I’m running with a Garmin Vivoactive 5 watch right now coupled with a Garmin heart rate monitor I bought last summer. Did I really need a heart rate monitor? No. But do I like graphs and data? Yes.

I’m still running in Brooks Ghost 15 shoes. I go through 2-3 pairs a year. I can feel the mile increase of 2024, because I used to get 6 months out of my running shoes, and it’s more like 4 months now.

I’m listening to a lot of the Ezra Klein podcast when I run. But I am mixing in some music as well. I used to have a running playlist that I listened to every single time. Now, I’m using those premade Spotify lists that are tailored to me. I’m enjoying poppy ladies right now: Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter. I sometimes pick something that is more mood based, and I am often picking chill folk rock Americana–Noah Kahan, Avett Brothers, Caamp.

Goal-wise, I spent 2023 and part of 2024 really trying to improve my speed. I’ve backed off from that goal over the course of 2024. For one, I wasn’t making much progress, and I started to feel kind of bummed when I ran and my pace wasn’t getting better. I knew that was going to make me quit, and that defeats the purpose.

I know my medal holder says “World’s Okayest Runner,” but if I’m being honest, I wanted to be slightly better. Either that isn’t really possible for me, or I am not training right for that goal.

Yes, I could train differently. The problem is that most days when I run, it’s a win that I’m even out there. I don’t have the mental or physical energy to do hill sprints or intervals. I also hate hill sprints and intervals. Again, anything that makes me want to quit running is defeating my ultimate purpose.

David gets on my case about growth mindset when I say I can’t run any faster. This from the mouth of someone who runs 5 minute kilometers naturally. I am not built that way. Again, maybe that’s defeatist, but if I don’t believe that I am somewhat at my natural plateau, then I just beat myself up for bad training and drain the joy and fun out of it? How is that better?

So, what is my purpose in running? I guess it’s worth stating that I am running to be healthy and die less soon. Sorry to be dark like that, but that’s the truth. I’d like to have strength and mobility for longer and I’d like to live longer. And if that’s my goal, who cares that I’m slow? I am working on caring less. I’m working on pursuing health and joy and not constant optimization.

I also struggle to train hard for speed. I spend a lot of my day in service of others. My kids, my students. My day is controlled by the schedule of the school day, the curriculum, the needs of my students. Many times in the day I am explicitly bossed around. Sometimes I need to flex some personal choice in my day. Often, that person choice is picking my running speed. If I feel like my running app is bossing me around, I will probably quit.

With all that in mind, my current training planning is what I am calling a weekly ladder. On Sunday, I run for 20 minutes. My next run of the week, often Tuesday, is 30 minutes. My next run, often Thursday, is 40 minutes. Theoretically my Sunday run is 50 minutes. I have yet to make that happen. I often only get 3 runs in a week or I am on a time crunch. I am focusing on time rather than speed or distance. I occasionally run a 5K and stop there, but more often, I’m running for time, and I run the pace I feel like I can sustain in that moment.

Next year I want to push to 50 minutes once a week so that a 10K is within reach. I was researching races in Jordan, and some seemed to be 10K as the shortest distance, and increasing from there. Maybe in 2025, my goal will be finding my best 10K time plateau.

I don’t intend to stop running. I’m serious when I say I will run until I die or I can’t carry my body on my feet any more. My hope is that I maintain this speed and all the good runners just slow down to my pace and in my 60s, 70s, 80s I will get on the podium. Ha! We’ll see if that goal is realistic. I’m assuming that I too will slow down.

Running is still the easiest way I can get my heart rate way up. It only requires the right shoes (and sports bra) and a place to run. I can do it when I travel. And I like the races. I like the thrill and the challenge, even though I’m not winning anything.

Where am I going from here? I’m excited to find my running routine in Jordan. I heard from at least one current faculty member that running in the streets is very safe in Amman. I won’t be in a condominium, so I’ll have to map out routes. I can also do more running on a treadmill at school, if they have them. I’m excited by the prospect of a race through Petra or Wadi Rum. It looks like there will be less race options (no more mega city for me) so I might seek out a few more races in the summers in the US.

Overall, despite my speed staying pretty level, I’ve increased my number of runs and distance over time. I am proud of that, and I’m excited to see what I do in 2025!

I wanted to share some info and pictures from my races this year. Let’s start with my first race of 2024:

Athenas Run Faster

  • March 17, 2024
  • Distance: 5.02K
  • 35:14 total time
  • Pace: 7:01/km

7 Run

  • April 28, 2024
  • Distance: 7.08 K
  • Total time: 48:35
  • 7k time: 48:08
  • Pace 6:52/km

This is my best time for a 7K race. Felt good!

JK Iguatemi I

  • May 19, 2024
  • Total distance: 5.07 K
  • 33:24 total time
  • 5K time: 32:57
  • Pace: 6:35/km

When I ran this, this was my second fastest 5K time.

Run For Beer: MN Brewery Series, Chapel Brewing

  • July 14, 2024
  • Total distance: 5.08 K
  • Time: 37:28
  • Pace: 7:22/km

This one was fun because it was one town over at our favorite micro-brewery. And this one I did with David and my sister-in-law Amanda. It was very chill, no timing devices, and you got a free beer at the end. It was super hot that day.

Run the Bridge

  • September 1, 2024
  • 5K
  • Time: 32:25 — personal record!
  • Pace 6:29/km

This is maybe my favorite São Paulo race. You start on the famous Ponte Estaiada and end on it as well. This means the final 500m are a really steep climb. The pictures are also great!

Athenas Run Longer

  • October 20, 2024
  • Total distance: 7.13
  • Total time: 49:40
  • 7K time: 48:54
  • Pace 6:58/km

It was a rainy race! Glad for my running rain jacket. This wasn’t my fastest 7K, but I was still happy to be under 49 minutes for my 7K time. I didn’t buy any professional pics for this one. It’s starting to feel a little silly, so I just have my own pics here.

Pre race photo, notice the size of the pack behind me.
Post race. I need windshield wipers!

Villalobos III

  • November 17, 2024
  • Total distance: 5:08 K
  • Total time: 34:24
  • 5K time: 33:49
  • Pace: 6:46/km

Ending the year on a decent pace. Villalobos is a great race because rather being on the major highway through the city called the Marginal, you are running on leafy residential streets. The trade off is that the road is narrower and a little more crowded. Still, a nice end to my 2024 racing calendar.

Teaching, Travel

And the next chapter of our adventure begins…

In late July, we updated our profiles on the international teaching search sites that we use to find jobs. September saw a few job posts trickle in and at the end of the month, we officially told Graded that this school year will be our last. In international teaching, you often have to give your current job up before you have your next job. It’s a leap of faith and an exercise in patience and anxiety management.

October 1 is the beginning of the search season for international teachers, but even that is really early and just the beginning. October 15 is another wave of postings. November 1 brings more, November 15 is another big listing day. Many European schools post in December or January, with a few not until March.

The job search is quite complex in our situation. First, we need to find a school with jobs that match both David’s and my teaching skills. Luckily we both have experience in middle and high school in at least 2 different content areas. Second, the jobs need to be in a school we are interested in working in, which means that it has a healthy sized international population. Many international schools are private schools for locals who want an English language education. That wouldn’t be a good fit for our little crew.

Another factor to consider is location. We had a few places on a list that was roughly titled, “Places we don’t want to live.” This is personal for each teacher and family. I’m not going to tell you to much about that list here, but it wasn’t very long and our reasoning makes sense to us.

Then comes the challenge of finding a school that will hire a family with 3 kids.

Like many teachers in our situation, we cast a wide net. We applied for almost everything that met our criteria. Sometimes we applied to a school that matched only one of us, with the hope that a job that matched the other one might be forthcoming.

You wait, then, for a response. The majority of “no” responses are silence. Some schools send a form letter rejection, some send a more personal rejection. Some explain why, and some do not. On a school’s end, it is also a puzzle. Matching up couples can be quite the challenge and requires different principals at different divisions to do some horse trading.

Some schools reply that they are interested in having a round 1 conversation. Most places schedule a 30-45 minute online call. This is often with the principal of the division we are applying to. Some of these were done with David and I together, but most were separate. Some have you do an online “self” interview, where you record yourself answering questions.

Round 1 could perhaps proceed to a round 2 interview. Round 2 could include other teachers or an assistant principal, sometimes a director of teaching and learning.

Usually round 3 is an offer call with a head of school, but an offer could be extended by email.

Here’s our stats:

We applied to 33 schools, but not all of them had jobs that matched both of us.

We had interviews (at least round 1) with 9 different schools across Africa, Asia, and Europe.

As often happens with this process, you start to feel like one of the schools that is interviewing you feels right. The particular classes we would teach there feel like a good fit. The school’s philosophy matches ours. The location is a place we are interested in. You don’t always know this before you start interviewing. You get a lot of info and impressions from the schools as you interview–even from the emails they send. I tried to take a lot of notes and pay attention to what I was asked and how they answered my questions.

One school started to stand out for us. I never know if David is going to feel the same way I do, so after we each had our interviews, we would meet and swap notes and impressions. David and I both agreed about this school: it felt right. We had a round two interview, and again, it felt like we were jiving with this school and community.

When we got the email from the superintendent asking to meet that day with both of us together, we started to get excited. Graded offered us the jobs by email, so this was my first time being offered the job on a video call. When the superintendent offered us the jobs officially in that call, I had to work real hard to keep my face calm. We took tons of notes in this conversation where we broke down all the details and nitty gritty of the contract. We were given the weekend to think about it.

David had a terrible sinus infection, so he took the next 24 hours to try to get better so he could think straight. We had both had agreed we were going to take it, but it’s always good to sleep on a big decision. By the next night, it was settled.

And so it is with great excitement that we announce that we are going to the American Community School of Amman, Jordan in July 2025!

From our first email interaction through every single conversation that followed, there was a good feeling of fit. Our excitement only grew through the process. It offers the diverse international community we were looking for, in a place rich in history, and it offers us a new culture to explore and learn from.

I will be teaching high school English, and David will be teaching 8-12 computer science. The school is smaller, so we will have more preps, but they are classes we both have experience teaching. ACS is an AP school, so I will be stepping back into AP territory after teaching IB courses here at Graded. I’m really excited for this! I have a blog post in my drafts about IB vs. AP. I don’t think I could say that one is better than the other in my opinion. That said, I have missed some of the elements of the AP curriculum, and I’m excited to dive back in to them.

To put it simply, I’m thrilled! I really wanted to stay in high school, but as a flexible person, I was willing to return to middle school for the right school. I just kept hoping that the right school would have a high school position.

There’s so much to say and so much to share. I’m sure if you’re reading this and you know us, you have a million other questions. Email me! Let’s talk!

For now, I feel a great sense of relief that the search process is over for us. It was very stressful to ride the international teaching job emotional roller coaster. Finding time to have a video call with schools in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East is very tricky. We had many 6 am calls and 9 pm calls. I wrote so many versions of my cover letter. I obsessively refreshed the job posting sites. I was sad when a school that I thought was a good fit decided to move forward with other candidates. I was sad when immediate rejections came back from places I thought would want to talk to us.

We had a moment in November where we decided to set a date to decide we were just going to head back to the US. That isn’t our first choice, but it’s a viable choice. I didn’t want it to be Christmas, because that felt like a way to ruin the holiday, so we said January 1 was our shift focus to the US. We did some serious thinking about what that life would be like. We ran through a few scenarios. At first, this plan was scary. It’s honestly a whole new country for us. It may be hard to imagine if you live in the US, but it felt like moving to a foreign country. We’d have to transfer our licenses to a new state, find jobs in a market we didn’t know, change our day to day life to match the realities of that place.

Looking back, we were offered the jobs at ACS on November 14, so we were safely before our January 1 deadline. At the time, it didn’t feel like we had a lot of breathing room–it was stressful and emotional. I did all the things to manage the stress: good eating, good sleeping, running nearly every day, restorative yoga each night, deep breathing exercises. I won’t say I scored an A for managing the stress, but I didn’t fail.

Two things I really struggle with are not having certainty and not having any thing to do. I had to practice sitting with uncertainty and not doing anything more than I already had. I channeled those feelings into organizing and cleaning our apartment. I sold or gave away a lot of things we aren’t taking with us. I pruned the kids’ wardrobes of clothes that don’t fit any more. I cleaned out the refrigerator.

The weekend after we got our job offer I felt like I was thawing from a giant block of ice. Last week, I was able to focus on my classes and my family. What a relief! Remember my job? I love my job. Remember hanging out with my kids? That’s fun. Remember running because it’s fun and not as an alternative to crying?

What now? We look forward and we stay present. I am trying to enjoy and appreciate every moment we have in Brazil before we leave. I’m trying to leave it all on the dance floor. Beyond that, I’m thinking about what art we love and will ship, and what we can let go. I’m wearing my closet so I can decide what I don’t love anymore, so it too can get donated or swapped. I’m reading Our Last Best Chance by King Abdullah II of Jordan. I’m learning the depth of all I don’t know about Jordan, the region, and global history. I’m making lists and wishes.

Now we just keep living our vida boa here in Brazil, watching our next adventure approach on the horizon.

Teaching, Travel

It bears repeating: I love the IB

Note for my diverse audience of readers: The IB is the International Baccalaureate, whose diploma program “is an assessed programme for students aged 16 to 19. It is respected by leading universities across the globe.” It’s a total curricular program for 11th and 12th grades through which students can earn an IB diploma. This diploma can be used to apply to universities around the world, such as Europe or Korea. It was developed as a way for expat kids to get a standardized, externally assessed diploma and return to their home countries for college. (The US does not require an IB diploma for students to be admitted, an American diploma is sufficient, which our school offers. European Universities, on the other hand, require students to complete the IB diploma in lieu of the country’s own end-of-high school exams.)

My senior hoodie from last year says “I did the IB.” I’m not sure if when the seniors picked that there was a dig in there about how frequently I reminded them of this fact. I don’t care if there’s irony in their choice, I love my “I did the IB” hoodie unironically.

Yes, I do in fact have an IB diploma. I believe I’m currently the only adult on my campus with an IB diploma. I’m not going to claim it gives me magic perspective powers, but I do personal memories of what it was like take my oral exams, submit CAS hours, write a TOK essay, and sit the 3-5 hour exams for each class.

There’s a couple things that I can speak about meaningfully when it comes to the IB, that feel worthy of elaboration.

First, the IB diploma was really hard, but when I finished, I felt very ready for college. This was confirmed when I arrived at college, and it didn’t feel like a huge leap in challenge. I had learned how to work hard and manage my time.

One major factor in being able to handle the demands of college is the fact that I wrote an EE (extended essay). I wrote mine in Biology and it was 4,000 words about a pretty mediocre experiment I designed. Even though it scored a C (scores go from A to E), and it wasn’t really a success as an exercise in the scientific method, I learned a lot. I learned about process, resilience, and managing setbacks. Sure, I didn’t fail the EE, but don’t make me talk about the experiment I did on some really cranky hamsters.

Next, I completed 150 CAS hours (creativity, action, service). I had an abundance of hours in the creativity category because I was a theater kid who did 2-4 shows a year. But because I had to include hours in the service category, I joined a club that visited a nursing home in Caracas. We helped feed the residents, we talked, we played dominoes. I probably wouldn’t have pushed myself to do that had the IB not said, hey, you gotta do more than tap dance and sing.

Finally, I took the TOK (theory of knowledge) course. And I wish I could flex right now and claim I was a top student who saw the value in TOK from the first moment. I wish that I charmed my teachers and served as a role model for my classmates. No. Maybe you could argue I got there by the end, but that is not how I started.

Let me back up a step. In the IB, in addition to taking classes in the 6 core areas (roughly stated: primary language, secondary language, natural sciences, history/human sciences, math, arts) you take a seventh class called Theory of Knowledge. The purpose of this class is to examine and question all the knowledge that students are learning in the subject areas. TOK aims to show students how these areas are interrelated, and to push them question what and how we know what know. The ultimate goal is critical thinking and active participation in a community of knowledge.

If you are over 30, I wonder if, like me, this sounds awesome to you right now. How cool would that course be? Discuss the nature of knowledge, examine what you know, probe your own biases and perspectives. Okay, now imagine you’re 16. Maybe your one singular focus is college, and to get there you need the highest grades possible. And you happen to be in a place where classes are IB courses, and they are challenging. Now, I have to tell you that you don’t have 2 free periods, just 1, because in the other one you will be learning something called TOK. I can say whatever I want about how valuable it is, but students right away see TOK as an superfluous, less crucial thing that gets in the way of their primary goal.

That’s how I was. In year one, I bet I could have been categorized by teacher as annoying and less than enthusiastic. I think my arms were crossed; I was probably huffy.

And then we got to the natural sciences and we watched a Jane Goodall documentary. I’m not sure what clicked, but I was riveted. I could see how knowledge was developing, and the way that paradigms were shifting. I could see Jane’s struggle to be taken seriously in the scientific community despite her age and lack of science training. The discovery of knowledge was fascinating! In our study of the math area of knowledge, I got to write an essay about how much I love the puzzle of math. I talked about the satisfaction of the right answer, the feeling of falling into the rhythm all the way until the end. I didn’t really get to talk about that very much, and I got compliments on my writing. The metacognition of TOK finally made sense to me. In this class, I realized, we were thinking about thinking–about our own thinking, but also the history of the thinking of our subject areas.

I don’t totally remember the context, but at one point we had to study something on our own and then teach a lesson to our class. For reasons I don’t remember, I studied the human sense of smell. The things I learned then I have never forgotten. Did you know that the nerves in your nose are actually exposed neurons? They go straight to your brain. They are the only nerves like that in your body. Did you know smell is one of our most primitive senses? The parts of our brains that process smell are deep, related to the parts associated with emotion and memory. This is why smells make us have vivid flashbacks and emotional responses. I designed an experience for my classmates where I blindfolded them and had them smell certain classic things, like vanilla, and asked what memories came into their minds.

I’m not sure why all that stuff stuck so well for me. I guess it was because it felt like it explained a lot of the human experience to me. It was one of my early moments of interest in how the human mind learns and acquires knowledge. I felt a spark of interest that was unrelated to grades and college applications.

Now, here I am, teaching TOK. Perhaps my old teacher would call it fitting punishment for my initial attitude. But it’s also a chance to give to my students what he gave me: space and time and room to talk about what I knew and how I knew it. To question and dissect all the things I was learning in my academic classes.

Another reason I love TOK is that, in its essence, TOK is a writing course. The way that students process and share their thinking and answers to these deep questions is through writing. And I love this type of writing. It’s closer in style to the personal essay than the literary analysis or criticism paper. As the knower, they are by necessity present in all of their writing in some way. The best TOK work draws on a student’s own sense of wonder and curiosity.

Teaching TOK is both a challenge and a gift. I’m not taking it lightly, but I’m also can’t take it personally. I did, however, just show my students the 2017 documentary Jane (available on Disney+) and it was great to hear their oohs, as Jane sees, for the first time in scientific history, a chimp modify a twig to make a tool that pulls termites out of an ant hill. At one point in the documentary, I student turned to me and said, “How could they have not thought that chimps had personalities and emotions?!”

I’m working hard to engage students and inspire them. It’s not always a success and they’re still teenagers, but here’s hoping it does for them what it did for me.

To close, I’d like to share with you the letter of introduction that I wrote specifically for my two TOK classes.

August 11, 2024

São Paulo, Brazil

Dear TOK students,

Welcome to your first day of Theory of Knowledge! I feel like I’m welcoming you into a SpaceX ship that’s going to take you to Mars.  It’s going to last almost 2 years and it will probably be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.  

Thank you for coming aboard, I am your captain, Mrs. Griswold!  This is my 7th year at Graded, and before teaching high school English and TOK, I taught middle school humanities.  Some of you were my students!  I’m so excited to see how my old students have grown and changed, and also to get to know new students.  I have 3 kids at Graded: a 2nd grader, a 5th grader, and a 7th grader.  My husband teaches high school math and computer science.  

I am originally from the US, but as a kid, I moved overseas for my dad’s job.  I lived in Mexico City and then I moved to Caracas, Venezuela.  In Caracas I went to a school like Graded and I got an IB diploma.  That means that I, too, have taken TOK.  The course looked a bit different then, but not by much.  I still studied the different areas of knowledge and asked big questions.  We wrote essays and discussed.  

One of the core concepts of TOK is perspective, and I think perspective is key with how this year will go for us.  You can approach TOK with the perspective that it is this extra class you have to do on top of all your other important work.  One of those woo woo things that teachers make you do but don’t have any purpose or meaning.  Something you suffer through just to get to where you need to go.  It only gets a “Meeting” or “Not Meeting” grade, so clearly it doesn’t really matter.  That could be your perspective.  You will dread each class, groan inside your head a lot (or out loud), and you’ll generally feel a lot of discomfort. 

To be honest with you, that’s how I felt about TOK myself at first.  

But there’s another perspective.  That perspective says, a class without regular 1-7 grades, so I can try new things without worrying about my transcript.  A class where I don’t have to memorize things for quizzes or tests.  A class where we get to talk about the things that really matter in life, not just high school. A time to hash out the questions that real people ask about their lives and their reality.  A class where I will get to share who I am and how I think.  It’s not about how the teacher thinks, or what experts of the past have said, but my unique perspective.  A class where I get to share my hobbies, my passions, my interests—the kind that may not come up in other classes.  Finally, a class where I can be myself and make my own choices.  

In the first perspective, you suffer, you strain, you generally hate every minute.  In the second perspective, you are energized, introspective, and you walk away feeling changed, smarter and more sophisticated.  This class can be one you forget immediately or one you remember forever.  So what makes the difference?  What decides which experience you have?  

You.  You decide.  And the truth is that it will take some faith and vulnerability from you.  It’s easier to close yourself off, cross your arms, and call the whole thing stupid.  It’s harder to open yourself up and bring your heart to this.  

And by extension, if we all decide we are in this together, then we all have a better experience.  Let me give you an example.  When I’m in Brazil and live music starts playing, all these people get up and start singing and dancing.  It’s infectious.  I’m on the dance floor, everyone is smiling and the joy is palpable. Could you argue that it’s Brazilian music that made us all have such a good time?  Yes.  Brazilian music is awesome.  But I’d argue that what makes a dance floor in Brazil so awesome is the people dancing on it.  The love, the open hearts, the joy they bring.  

So, trust me to bring cool things to read and watch and talk about.  Trust me to design this class to blow your mind, to make you think, to make you question.  And let me ask you to bring the joy, the curiosity, the openness, the willingness to dance.  

And now comes the part I will hopefully not have to say too much, but it bears repeating.  There are people who have to take TOK, because the place they want to go for college requires a full diploma.  I got you.  But if that’s not you, ask yourself why you are here.  Because of a parent?  Because of pressure from friends?  Or do you actually want the challenge of the full diploma?  Do you enjoy academic and intellectual challenges?  I already have an IB diploma, so I’m not here because I need it.  I’m here to help you achieve this.  I shouldn’t have to fight you.  If you don’t want to eat what I’m cookin’, you should get outta the kitchen.  I will high five you and send you down to OCC to let them know that you don’t think the full diploma is for you.  If you’re still here, then be here.  

Now that I’ve written and introduced myself to you, can you write me a letter back and tell me about you?  Who are you?  Where do you come from?  How are you feeling about TOK?  Are you feeling ready to dance or fly to Mars, or some other mixed metaphor?  What brings you here?  What are your goals?  What can you tell me that will help you be the best version of you this year?  

From here to the stratosphere,

Mrs. Griswold


It’s a (Christmas) (New Years) (Valentine’s) (St. Patrick’s) Easter Family Update

If you are a teacher, and you manage to get out a family letter or holiday card, I salute you. I cannot. School lets out in December and I collapse. I’ve just written 85 report card comments and graded a ridiculous pile of essays.

That doesn’t mean I don’t feel some guilt and write it in my head. So here is my Easter update on the Griswold family.

As you may remember, after 5 years teaching middle school humanities, I have moved back to high school English. (Before coming to Graded, I taught HS English in Nashville for 7 years.) It’s been a great change for me. The most important thing a teacher can do is recognize when they need change.

Like teaching any new class, it has kicked my butt in the best of ways. I’ve felt really stimulated and energized by my new teaching teams. I’ve enjoyed reading and teaching new novels. And I am again delighted by high school students. If you are tired of the age group you teach, go check out another one. They have different problems and different strengths, and it reminds you that change and growth happen and kids aren’t static.

I’m teaching three classes, English 9, IB Language and Literature SL year one, and Theory of Knowledge year 2. 3 preps is hard, but I’m keeping my head above water.

My freshman are currently reading Romeo and Juliet–my heart leaps up. How I’ve missed teaching Shakespeare! My juniors are reading Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried. What a revelation. My TOK students just finished their capstone TOK essay, and it was really awesome to support them through that process.

If there’s a big takeaway for me from this year back in high school, it’s that I love teaching writing. I love pulling beautiful sentences out of the texts we read. I love helping students plan and outline. I love conferencing and reading drafts. I love supporting student writing.

David continues to teach 9th grade math and IB computer science standard level and higher level, year one and two.

Calvin is starting to get into his groove in 6th grade. He is playing the flute in beginning band. Specifically, he is playing the flute I played in middle school and high school that was a gift from my grandfather. It’s really nice to have that instrument passed down through our family. Last semester he grudgingly ran cross country, but this semester he was cast as the Narrator in our school’s production of Into the Woods! He is really enjoying that. The production will be in May, and we are all very excited. I think Matilda and Everett will be able to sing along with every song.

When he’s not in school, Calvin codes, draws, whittles, plays D&D and reads. And antagonizes his siblings.

Matilda is loving 4th grade. She’s in student council and the green club, and she’s doing drama, wall climbing and swim team after school. She loves playing outside after school with her friends in our condominium. She’s at that awesome stage where she is always choreographing dances with her friends and singing in front of the mirror. She’s grown a lot as a reader this year, and is drawn to realistic fiction books that deal with themes of fairness and equity.

Everett is still his quirky oddball self. 1st grade has been an adjustment for our pandemic kid, but he’s growing and maturing. He is currently obsessed with being read chapter books. After exhausting Roald Dahl’s oeuvre, we’ve been reading Kate DiCamillo and are now onto Judy Blume. He still loves all things science and nonfiction. He is often the slowest of the bunch as we walk anywhere because he is examining and collecting dead bugs from the ground. He learned to ride a bike last summer, after years of insisting some kids just don’t learn to ride a bike. Now, he says he most looks forwards to our summers in Minnesota because he can ride his bike in the senior center across the street, making loops around the “road islands”–what Everett calls the raised grass beds in the parking lot.

As for David and I, we are both running and weight training, (David grudgingly weight trains but runs faster than me without really trying–urgh!). David plays Ultimate Frisbee about once a month with some colleagues from school. I am still running a race about once a month. Usually I do a 5K, but occasionally I sign up for a 7K or 8K. David and I are still playing music together occasionally, and now we are often accompanied by at least one kid.

We’ve done a lot of amazing travel over this school year. Over the December-January 6 week break, we went to the Atacama desert in Chile, the Amazon, and David and I took a solo trip to the Mendoza wine region of Argentina. Over Carnaval break in February, we went to the state of Bahia in the Northeast of Brazil to the town of Praia do Forte.

Last summer, we became the owners of the townhouse in Northfield, Minnesota where we have spent the past 5 summers. It belonged to David’s parents, but we bought it from my father-in-law in June of 2023.

What comes next for the Griswold Family Circus in 2024? We fly back to the US in June and all three kids are attending a camp northeast of the Twin Cities. Matilda is doing horse camp and Calvin is doing a teen adventure challenge with a friend from Brazil who now lives in India. Everett is doing a traditional overnight camp for his first sleepaway camp experience. While the kids are off at camp, David and I are going on our own camping trip to the North Shore, specifically to Grand Marais, in northern Minnesota.

We will be doing a trip to the beach in North Carolina to see my side of the family, and we are excited for boogie boarding and hush puppies.

I wish everyone health, happiness, and peace in 2024.

A pause in our hike through the Amazon rainforest
David and I at a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentina
A highly salty mountain lake in the Atacama Desert
Mountains in the Atacama desert
Valle del Arcoiris in the Atacama Desert
Mars Valley in the Atacama Desert
Teaching, Travel

Leaving the flowers in the dirt

When we were leaving Nashville and selling our house, I had a reaction to that massive change I didn’t expect. I got very worried about the landscaping in the backyard.

I had hired a local landscape architect to design a plan for our back yard. Then, David and I, with the help of many family member conscripted into the effort, dug up the beds ourselves. We drove an hour to a nursery that had great prices so that we could get all the plants ourselves. They were so tiny! To save money, I bought the smallest, youngest versions of each plant.

Our final garden plan

When we left, the backyard was thriving and lush. And I was struggling to imagine leaving it behind. What if the new owners didn’t prune the bushes at the right time? What if the crepe myrtle got leggy? Would they weed it and mulch it?

Cuttings from our garden.
Moved this hydrangea from under the deck and nursed it back to health.

For a fleeting moment, I had this moment of insanity where I thought about digging up all the plants and selling them or giving them away to good homes. This is obviously nuts.

Siberian Irises
Bleeding hearts
Tulips! Coralbells!
Peach tree. Those blossoms, man.

The only answer was that I just had to leave the flowers in the dirt.

This year, my fifth year of teaching 7th grade humanities and journalism at Graded, I started to think about something different. The world is scary right now, the pandemic is still reverberating, and in all the upheaval and uncertainty, we decided to consider our options. We started looking at job openings around the world.

Meanwhile, our kids are happy here. Matilda moved into the native-speaking Portuguese class. Everett is finally no longer saying he hates school. Calvin has friends and loves his teachers. This is the backdrop of our search. We watched schools post openings and each one led to the conversation: is this place good enough to leave Graded now? For most schools, the answer was no.

And then a high school English position opened up here. Before moving to Graded, I taught high school English for seven years at Harpeth Hall in Nashville. When we left Nashville, I was excited to return to middle school. Honestly, I didn’t want to hear the words “college” ever again. I wanted a break from high school problems. And for the past five years, I’ve loved working with middle school students again. Their joy! Their unbridled enthusiasm! Their silliness! A breath of fresh air.

Until the point comes when you are tired of silly noises, spacey students, forgotten materials. I started to feel myself needing a break from teaching students to use the TAB button and not the space bar five times. Reminding them to get their notebooks and folders for the 85th time. Telling them to stop very obviously mouthing words across the room to their best friend in the middle of my lesson. Threatening life and limb to the next person who blasts that annoying song from their laptop in the middle of silent work time. Sometimes students said or implied that they felt like the work didn’t matter, it’s just middle school anyway. Dare I admit that I wished someone might mention college and have it lend gravitas to the work?

I applied for the high school English job. I felt that panic again. What would happen to the 7th grade curriculum, or the journalism class? I needed to be there to guard these things I’d helped build. I couldn’t just let them go.

But I could. This is life, especially for teachers. The curriculum you wrote will be rewritten or thrown out. The new teachers will bring their own ideas and expertise. And? That’s beautiful. That’s life. That’s this ever-evolving field. It’s not meant to stay the same forever.

I went back and forth; I slept on it. I talked to some new teachers and some old ones. And I took the job.

I wasn’t sure if I’d done the right thing at first. That feeling changed when I started to feel some joy and appreciation again. This was, after all, the last time I’d be teaching The Giver for quite some time, maybe ever. It stopped feeling like, Ugh, fifth time with The Giver, here we go, and started to feel like, Oh, The Giver, you’re great. Let’s do this and move on.

Of course, this isn’t a grass is greener. The grass is just different, and I’d like a change of turf for a while. Yes, high school students have their own problems. But they’re different problems. Problems I’m not tired of troubleshooting.

We signed a two-year extension and the kids are elated. We are all happy that our time in Brazil and at Graded is not coming to an end yet. We have time for more Portuguese, more travel, more time working with and learning from these amazing educators.

I’m working on leaving the plants in the dirt and trusting that the next generation will do with them what needs to be done–including replacing them or letting them die. It’s alright; I’ve got a new garden to tend.


Camping camping camping

That pop-up camper in the background belongs to David’s brother Kenneth and his wife, Amanda.

We have been on 4 camping trips this summer. Two 1-night trips, two 2-night trips. We had planned for at least one trip, but since camping has been shown to be very low Covid risk, and parks opened, we jumped on it. It’s been a great antidote to online learning. The kids bring no screens to the campsite and we all look at our phones rarely.

We did our first family camping trip last summer, and then we did one in Brazil. We’ve learned a lot and have found a camping groove. We keep saying we need to make a list of all the things we need to bring so that we can consult it before heading out.

What to pack for the kids:

  • twice as many socks as days camping
  • old sneakers, water shoes, flipflops or crocs (You want something that they can wear in a river or lake to protect their feet, you want something easy on and off for going in and out of the tent
  • Hats
  • Sunglasses
  • Walking poles or sticks
  • Water bottles
  • Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Hoodie for cold mornings/nights
  • Pants for hiking or cold mornings/nights (if the weather is generally colder, more pants, but I find 1 pair enough for a summer camping trip)
  • Pajamas: if the temp goes below 65, consider long sleeve or fleece pajamas. But I recommend bringing some shorts jammies and some warmer jammies in case of any kind of weather.

What to bring in general for camping:

  • First aid kit
  • Tent (we bought our Suisse Sport Wyoming 8-person tent on Sierra for $90. It was a closeout, so it’s gone now, but we like it. In Brazil we have the Coleman Evanston tent. Love that too and you can buy at Target and Walmart.)
  • Tarp for underneath the tent
  • Sleeping bags (or just a blanket, depending on weather and your desires.)
  • Sleeping pads (we have these Klymit pads. They inflate with about 15 breaths, and roll up into an 8×4 inch bag.)
  • Pillows (regular or inflatable.)
  • Toiletries in an easy to carry caddy or bag
  • Towels (we bring beach towels)
  • Sunscreen and bug spray
  • Citronella candles
  • Camp chairs (or some kind of folding chair)
  • A multi-tool
  • Rain jackets for everyone
  • Optional: Hammock. You can hang it between 2 trees. The kids love them!
  • Flashlights and lanterns. I like a bunch of handheld flashlights, and then a lantern or two for on the picnic table or to hang in the tent. I also like a headlamp or two. Better than having to clench a flashlight in your teeth to cook in the dark!
  • If you are camping at an electric site: an extension cord and power strip.
  • If you are not at an electric site, battery packs, power banks, or other things like that are good to charge your phone.
  • Table cloth. I had a plastic one that ended up getting gross quickly, and if you rested your arms on it with sunscreen or bugspray on, it dissolved the color into your arm. So, I got 2 yards of marine vinyl from Joann for 70% off. $12 total! It’s nice and heavy, meant to withstand water and weather, and we will be able to reuse it for a long time.
  • 2 gallon expandable water carrier (We got this one at Cabela’s)
  • Dish basin

A quick note on dishes at a campsite. It took until our last 2 trips for me to develop a system I like. We use the expandable water carrier to bring 2 gallons back from the water spigot (there’s usually one every 3 campsites in state/national campgrounds.) I set the water carrier on the picnic table bench, and put the dish basin beneath it. I put a little Dawn in the basin and an inch of water. As people bring dishes over, I have them drop them in the soapy water. Then, when it’s time to wash dishses, I turn on the tap of the water carrier and start scrubbing, the water falls into the basin and keeps filling it. I set the clean dishes to dry on the table as I go. By the time I’ve gotten to the bottom of the stack of dishes, the water is about full. I dump it out and voila! I kept joking that I invented the sink and running water. Here is Everett demonstrating.

You can see our marine vinyl tablecloth in that picture and the clear plastic bins we use to transport all of our cookware, flashlights, tools etc.

What to bring for cooking and building a fire

  • A stove (we have this classic one from Coleman.)
  • Camp stove propane cannisters (2 cannisters got us through 6-8 days of camping)
  • Lighters (at least 2)
  • A set of pots and pans (we have this set from Kelty)
  • Plates, bowls, cups, silverware (Our Kelty set came with everything but the cups)
  • A cast iron skillet or 2 (we have a 12 inch and an 8 inch)
  • Cutting knives and cutting board (we have those thin ones)
  • Foil and a container for leftovers
  • A cooler
  • We have a Coleman water jug that we put ice water in. That way the kids can get cups of water at will. (Otherwise, they drive you crazy asking for drinks)
  • Dish washing liquid and sponge or scrub brush (my vote is a scrub brush because sponges tend to get nasty and stinky. The scrub brush we’re using came from my Dad’s camp set and it may 20 years old. Still works!)
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Pot holders
  • Spatula, slotted spoon, ladle
  • Can opener
  • fire starters
  • newspaper for fire starting
  • coffee cone and filters
  • insulated mugs for hot and cold bevvies
  • Marshmallow/hotdog roasting forks

What do we cook?

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal, eggs and bacon, cereal. My sister in law made breakfast burritos that were already assembled and we warmed them in the coals of the fire. Super good! You could also just make cereal.
  • Lunch or dinner: Grilled sandwiches, hot dogs, charcuterie (crackers, cheeses, meats, hummus, veggies), Camp chili (we made this on our last trip and it was delicious. We added ground beef), 3 ingredient mac n cheese with peas added, brats or hotdogs on the grill, grilled baby peppers or nectarines, burgers or steak, baked beans, grilled corn, there are lot of options!

We’ve also worked on our food box of items that aren’t really for any particular recipe, but are good to have:

  • Coffee
  • Olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Cooking spray
  • Brown sugar
  • Shelf stable milks (preferably little ones so you only need to open what you need, like the Horizon kids’ milk boxes)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Hot sauce
  • Snacks for the kids (goldfish, fruit snacks, fruit cups, fruit strips, granola bars)
  • Mustard, ketchup (or a handful of ketchup packets)
  • Honey and/or maple syrup
  • A little mixed spice holder (Walmart sells this one)
  • Raisins, cranberries or other dried fruit
  • Walnuts, almonds, pecans

What we pack in our cooler:

  • Beers, small wine bottles or boxes, tequila in a mason jar (or the liquor of your choice)
  • Lacroix, cokes, etc.
  • Yogurt pouches for the kids, maybe also yogurt drinks
  • A variety of hand fruits
  • Carrot sticks
  • Hummus
  • Mayo
  • Cheese slices
  • Deli meats

You have to buy firewood from an authorized dealer or from within 10 miles of the park, so we do that on the way into the park or at a nearby gas station. If the park has an office that is open, they usually sell ice. We usually have to add a bag of ice to the cooler once a day. We have two coolers, one 40 qt one for drinks and a 52 qt one for food.

For the funs:

  • We bring everyone’s bikes. At least in Minnesota, there are awesome bike trails. The kids are often told to take off on their bikes around the campsite whenever they say they’re bored. Everett has a trailer that we bring and we go on family rides as well.
  • If your park is flat, roller skates/blades are as well
  • If you have room for them, lawn Jenga or lawn Farkle are really fun, and games of their ilk.
  • Sand toys or dirt play toys
  • Squirt guns
  • Friendship bracelet materials
  • Guitar or mandolin or other sing along instrument. Despite being a mandolin player, I haven’t brought mine on any trips. Mostly just tired and overwhelmed or busy. Ugh. Maybe next year.

We also had my sister-in-law’s mom make us a campsite sign!

You will also notice our car top carrier. That came out of my parents’ attic this summer and it was on our minivan in the 80’s! Super vintage and works great. We will keep that sucker going for as long as it will last.

There you can see our Klymit sleeping pads and Everett who slides way off his during the night! On our last night of camping, I saw him wake up and walk back to the pad and flop down with his sleeping back like a cape. Very cute.
Marshmallow roasting forks in action.
Hammock fun.
You can see our tent, a camp chair, and the camp stove in the top right.
The kids biking the road through the Willow River campgrounds.
Our car with the 4 bikes loaded on the back (Everett’s trailer is in the car top carrier.) We bought the Allen 4 bike rack that uses the tow hitch we had installed. Works great. We have two straps to hold the wheels secure during driving.

Tip: Look for second hand camping equipment. You can get some from family or friends, or at Goodwill or Facebook marketplace. 3 of our camp chairs, 2 of our sleeping bags, one of our coolers and our Coleman water jug came from a thrift store. Then, go to Sierra Trading Post. We bought our Suisse Sport Wyoming 8 person tent there. Originally $150, we got it for $90. They get closeouts and old seasons’ stuff for a great discount. Our Klymit pads and Kelty camp kitchen set came from them too at a great discount. After that, I recommend Walmart first (shocking, I know) and Target second. Walmart has a larger camping section. Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops also have some good stuff, but also guns, so decide on your comfort level. Of course there’s Amazon and the internet and stuff.

Tip: Before you pitch your tent, especially if you are doing it with a spouse or partner, each of you should do a shot of tequila. A little liquid sense of humor is always called for when pitching a tent.

Tip: your kids won’t fall asleep until the sun goes down. So, that’s their camping bedtime! But, I find that in the darkness of the woods, they fall asleep fast.

Okay, I’m sure I’ve forgotten something. And I don’t want to pass myself off as some kind of pro camper. We forget stuff and we lose our cool sometimes and make dumb decisions. But camping is fun and you can dive in and have fun.

Teaching, Travel

A Change of Scenery

I haven’t written in a while because life is absolutely batty, which I don’t even really need to say, I guess because we are all living it. It’s weird. Normally, you’d have to compose a blog post or a social media post about going through some stuff, and sorry that I’m absent. Ha. No explanation needed. We all understand.

But, I wanted to give you an update on our lives. I’m going to start doing some more blogging about my teaching and things I’m doing to survive my teaching. But first, a personal update.

Our school works with a team of filmmakers and they asked me if I would be interested in working with them. They dropped off tripods and steady cams and an iPhone at our apartment. We spent about a week documenting what our life was like, teaching online and raising 3 kids. The film team, The Filmistas, edited it into this amazing final product:

I got so many amazing messages from parents, students, and other teachers. I basically cried every time a message came in. Every time I watch the video I cry. I cry a lot.

About a week and a half ago, we got the call that our school would not be reopening during this school year. David and I had been talking about next steps. It’s so hard to know what next week will bring and how I will feel about it. There are about 100 scenarios of what might play out, and I’m never sure how I’m going to feel.

We happened to have the May Day holiday coming up, which gave us a 3 day weekend to travel. We got yelled at by doormen for letting our kids play in the sand below the roped off playgrounds in our condominium. We both realized it was time to go.

I felt some guilt about leaving. Staying was a point of pride at first. Maybe I shouldn’t have felt pride at staying, but I did. Deciding then to leave felt a bit like abandoning ship.

But my admin was really supportive. They understood and they knew that we needed to do what was right for us. That gave me some peace. Just the idea of being somewhere different suddenly sounded amazing.

We have a key factor in place for us to leave: a place to stay. We have a townhouse in Minnesota that technically belongs to my in laws, but we’ve made it ours for the summers. We spent nearly 3 weeks here last year, and we put bunkbeds in it, beefed up the kitchen stuff, stocked it with art supplies.

So now we are hunkered down in Northfield, Minnesota, an incredibly cute and cool college town. It’s small, it’s quiet, and there’s lots of open space. There are only 2 cases of COVID here as of my last reading, and the governor is making thoughtful, careful decisions–in my opinion, at least.

Brazil is also getting bad. The cases are rising, the deaths are rising. More scary to me is the number of people facing starvation because of the shut-down economy. The government is not providing significant support. There is a quarantine in place, where only essential businesses were supposed to be open, but right before we left, we noticed lots of businesses on the street open.

I don’t want to get into a whole big debate, but let me tell you where I always go first: the children. Bear with me while I explain. When you shut down all retail–all malls, bars, restaurants, stores, etc–that is a huge segment of the Brazilian population. They live hand to mouth. And they have children. What happens when the money and the food run out? If you want to keep the economy closed, then the government has to feed those kids. I don’t see that happening. (To be clear, I am not minimizing the death toll. I am just afraid of those other deaths, the children facing malnutrition.)

Okay, so, on Friday night, May 1, we flew out. We snagged a cheap upgrade to business class and jumped on it. Business class was full, but the seats are very separated. In coach, there were empty rows between passengers. The airports were ghost towns. There were maybe 40 people on our international flight, and 20 on our domestic flight.

As soon as we rented our car and got the house, our kids hopped on the bikes in the garage and went around the block. We walked to a playground that wasn’t roped off with caution tape. I almost cried watching them play.

I have more to say and more stories to tell, but I’ve got to go teach my 7th grade class via Zoom.

Signing off from the prairie,



The state of things, 2020

Now that we’re overseas, a traditional paper Christmas card was impossible. I’ll write this post instead and include photos that I might have put on a card.

2019 was our first full year in São Paulo, Brazil. We all felt more confident, our language skills grew, and our sense of direction improved (unless you’re me, in which case I’m always lost). I asked Calvin this year if he felt like Brazil was home. He looked at me like I’d asked him which farts he enjoys smelling the most. “Of course Brazil is home! Where else would be home?”

This is the kid, mind you, who was purposefully resisting his Portuguese classes at school because he thought we’d leave soon.

Matilda keeps asking if we’re Brazilian or American. She keeps repeating it to understand: “Are we Brazilian? No. We’re American ’cause we were born in Nashville.” But I can tell she’s wondering how Brazil fits into who we are and where we are from. As a kid who grew up overseas myself, that is not easy to answer and it will always be a challenge. Especially when she returns to the US for college. She won’t feel traditionally American, but she won’t be officially from any of the countries she’s lived in. It’s complicated.

We’ve just decided to move to a new apartment in our same building because everything started breaking, and our landlady has no interest in fixing anything. The landlord culture here is to just let your tenants make repairs. So we found a remodeled apartment a few floors down and we’re moving in early March! Hooray for a bigger kitchen and newer bathrooms. And hardwood floor pieces that don’t get stuck to your feet and pop out.

I have really enjoyed the return to teaching middle school. 7th grade is the hardest year of human existence, but there’s something rewarding about teaching them. Not sure I can even articulate why. They’re less jaded and guarded. They are super hyper and disorganized, but there’s something about their hearts being more open. There’s still a sense of wonder.

David is enjoying his computer science classes. It’s still his first year in this curriculum, so he gets frustrated as he learns and tweaks his teaching, but he’s enjoying the challenge. He is using an outside curriculum for his electives, but he’s realized he doesn’t love it and wants to go in his own direction next year. Year one is all about learning and growing.

Everett started a pre-school in our neighborhood this August. It’s a Brazilian school and his Portuguese has really blossomed. Colleagues from our school with a son his age also send their son there, so Everett has a buddy. He really likes his teacher and he’s happy. He goes there in the morning until noon, then comes home with our nanny.

2019 was the end of diapers for us! I could throw a ticker-tape parade! I got peed on last night, so it’s not perfect (it never is), but it’s such an improvement.

Everett will start at our school in the K3 program next August. It’s a half day, so he’ll ride to school with us in our car, then take the bus home at noon and our nanny will pick him up. Someone reminded me today that in our first year here we had one kid in school full day, one kid in half day, and one kid home with our nanny all day. Hard to notice that it’s hard when you’re so busy.

Matilda is learning to read and write in kindergarten and loves her teacher. We’ll be sad to say goodbye to Ms. Julia in June. Matilda has really enjoyed the Montessori program and I’m glad she’s had that experience.

Calvin is enjoying 2nd grade. He spends almost all of his free time after school reading books. He’d be playing Minecraft all day if we let him, but he gets some time on the weekends for video games. In the afterschool program, Calvin is doing some science and engineering classes, tennis, and piano in our apartment. Matilda takes tennis and piano as well, and she’s joined Calvin in the Mad Science class.

I helped coach the 2nd and 3rd grade swim team last semester. I enjoyed it, but I have a really hard teaching schedule, and losing those 2 hours after school each week was really pushing me to my limit. So, until next year, I bowed out. My plan is to return to coaching swimming next year when I go down to two different classes instead of three.

David helped with the Lower School musical last semester, which was fun for him. Similar to me, he struggled with losing that after school math help time with students, and the time to prep and grade. When our kids are older and off at their own activities, I hope that we can do more on campus after school. Right now, the evening shift of parenting is about all we can handle!

Our quality of life is very high living overseas. No place is perfect, but we are happy with what we our decision to make this leap. I will say that I’m grateful to work with an exceptional group of educators. They motivate me, they support me, they inspire me. I love being in an environment where everyone is working hard to teach kids in the best way possible. It’s intellectually stimulating and exciting. I feel like my talents are appreciated and my ideas are welcome. That’s a great feeling as an educator.

Brazil is great. The weather is amazing, the people are kind and friendly, and there are amazing travel opportunities. The food is delicious, the culture is active and healthy. Our condo has 4 pools, tennis courts and a restaurant. No place is perfect, but there are many wonderful benefits to living here. Are we still in our honeymoon phase with Brazil? Maybe. The fact that many teachers stay here at least 6 years is testament to the beauty and joy of this place.

I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the challenges. Unsweetened peanut butter takes some looking, kale is hard to find, as is breakfast sausage. Imported cheeses aren’t common and they’re very expensive. Plugs for the bathtub are super hard to find, the walls are hard to hang pictures on. It’s just little stuff. Potholes in the roads, traffic cameras that give you tickets. Socially, we’re still new in many ways, and making new friends and establishing bonds is hard. It’s hard as an adult anyway. But we’re working on finding our people, carving our niche, creating new routines.

The first semester living here was especially challenging and I took some time off of my own writing. However, as you may have seen in other posts, I’m finding a way to keep it a part of my life. Because my work life is demanding, I feel more grounded with regards to querying and pursuing publication. I can’t dwell on rejection or spin my wheels as much–no time!

If you’ve been thinking about visiting Brazil, we have a guest room and are happy to host. We recommend December/January because the weather is good and we’re off school. But early June or late July will catch us just after or before the school year. June and July are “winter” here, so you may need warm jammies and some sweaters and hoodies.

Here are some photos of our year.

Any given Wednedsay restaurant night.
Goof ball
Juquei beach.
Juquei beach.
Sidewalk lunch in Buenos Aires
Botanical garden in Buenos Aires
Morro de São Paulo
Sunset walk in Morro de São Paulo
Morro de São Paulo
Any given Saturday at our condo pool