
New picture book

A few weeks ago, on a Monday at the breakfast table, my three-year-old, Calvin, requested the “Hey, diddle, diddle” nursery rhyme.  I obliged, but I was distracted and accidentally skipped over the cow who jumped over the moon.  Calvin immediately protested, and an idea popped into my head.  What if the cow had some opinions about how the rhyme was written?

Immediately I thought about Bottom in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  Bottom, despite being the lead, thinks he should play all the parts.  He takes it upon himself to coach his fellow actors i and demands a series of prologues be written.  He’s quite an atrocious actor who thinks he is hot stuff.

Thus, an idea was born.  My husband and I teach at the same school, so that morning while it was his turn to drive, I feverishly scribbled my first draft onto a pad of paper.

Then the strep throat hit, and I was completely incapacitated.  I spent three feverish days on the couch or trying to teach and having to leave school early.  The fever made me feel like I was having an out of body experience.  On Friday morning, I got antibiotics and by the evening my brain function was returning.  I took out my paper draft and typed it up.

I took it to my picture book critique group on Saturday morning.  The feedback was strong, and I decided to move forward with it.  I went home and revised my draft during nap time.  I worked on my query letter for the next few days and then I sent it out to 10 agents.

This was only my second round of querying, but it felt smoother and less daunting than the first time.  I am now less scared of the process.  Wendelin Van Draanen, (who wrote The Running Dream, our all-school read) came and spoke at an assembly a few weeks ago.  She said that every time she sent out a manuscript, it was like putting hope in the mail.  I took what she said to heart, and thought of it as hope in the (e)mail.

I also felt happy that I was able to take another piece of advice: as soon as you send out one project, start on the next.  After I wrote my first picture book manuscript, I didn’t really have any other ideas, or none that were feeling fully formed in my head.  But, by staying open and paying attention, I was able to start the next project.

Now that I have send out my second picture book manuscript, I am going to turn my attention back to my women’s fiction novel.  I think that maybe at the end of this draft, I’ll be ready to start querying.  I’m looking forward to that.  More than just querying, I’ve got an idea for a middle grade novel that I’d love to get started on.  I’m looking forward to freeing myself up for another project!

Teaching, Writing

Thesis and outline workshop

Both my 10th grade classes and my 9th grade classes are working on thesis statements and outlines for their upcoming essays–on The Secret Life of Bees for 9th graders, and Life of Pi for 10th graders.

The first stage in the process is a Graffiti Wall.  I have them tape their exploratory paragraphs and quotes onto a large sheet of paper.  Silently, students rotate to the other papers and leave feedback.


Then, they work on writing a few thesis statement attempts for 10 minutes.  They pick their favorite and write it on the white boards, without a name.  They then pair up and rotate through the statements leaving feedback.





The feedback is valuable, but giving feedback and evaluating the work of others is equally valuable.  It reminds them there are many different topics and arguments and they aren’t chasing the one, perfect topic.

I also want to make writing less lonely and emphasize the power and potential of collaboration in the writing process.  I am a member of a few writing groups, and they are essential to development and growth.


Querying picture book agents and rejection

This summer, I pulled out a draft of a children’s book I had written in 2006, while I was getting my master’s degree in Educational Theatre from NYU.  
This summer, I worked on the children’s book when I needed a break from revising my novel.  I sent the picture book manuscript to friends and colleagues for feedback.  One suggested I look into the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.  I joined and signed up for the regional fall conference just outside of Nashville.  
Once I joined SCBWI, I had access to a massive manual on publication, agents, and the market.  There is an entire section on agents that represent children’s books and what they are looking for.  I read through it in the semi darkness while rocking Matilda to sleep one night.  I circled a bunch of agents I thought would be a good match.  I spent a few days composing a query letter, and sent my manuscript to 6 agents.  
As of mid-September I’ve received three rejections.  My top choice agent, the one I really feel would be the best fit, has yet to respond, which means there is still a chance.  (Although silence is usually a no.)
These are clearly form letters, but they are very kind.  
I will say that I feel good about each of those rejections.  It was confirmation that my work was received, and more importantly, that I am joining the ranks of Real Writers.  Real Writers send out their work.  Real Writers get rejected.  It is a badge of honor and a sign that progress is happening.  This feels very different to me than the years that manuscript sat as a file on my hard drive.  This feels better, even if it is rejection.  
After joining SCBWI, I have started to learn more about publishing picture books.  You do not need an agent, and many smaller publishers will accept unsolicited manuscripts.  The SCBWI manual also lists those, and I circled the ones that would be a good fit for my project.  I opted to go the agent route more as an experiment.  The larger publishers (Scholastic, Harper Collins, Random, etc.) do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.  The agent route can get you access to more publishers, but then the agent collects a portion of any sales.  Submitting directly to publishers can present its own challenges.  How do you stand out among the other unsolicited manuscripts?  Some writers argue that agents are unnecessary.  Because I am also working on a novel, for which an agent is most definitely required, I thought I would take this opportunity to gain a new experience.    If I hear silence or receive rejections from all six agents, I will submit directly to publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts.  
The SCBWI mid-south conference was last weekend, so please keep your eyes out for a post about the pile of things I learned and the changes I am making to my manuscript!

Meet the teacher presentations

Below are the presentations I gave at Meet the Teacher night.  I did not get to the final slides about confidence because I ran out of time.  The first presentation was for my 9th grade parents, and the second is my honors sophomores.

*You have to press the play button in the bottom left corner.  The slides automatically advance every 10 seconds.  You can pause the presentation or manually advance or rewind.

English I:

Honors English II:


Meet the Teacher

Tonight is Meet the Teacher night at my school.  I will meet with my advisee’s parents and then I will have 8 minutes with the parents of each of my classes.  It is a whirlwind and definitely a high stress evening, but it is always lovely to meet the parents.  I teach all day (with a lunch meeting thrown in) then my husband (who also teaches at the same school) and I will rush home, get the kids from day care, get them fed, and then hand it off to the babysitter.  Back to school to spruce up the room and prepare to meet the parents.

I wanted to share with you the letter of introduction I wrote to my students this year.  I’ve done this every year and it is one of my favorite rituals.  As you will see, students write me a letter back.  I keep these letters and return them right before they graduate.  It’s a nice time capsule.

August 19, 2015
Dear Students,
As I was getting dressed last week, a stray sticky note fluttered to the ground.  It must have come home stuffed in a pocket, only to be dumped onto my dresser with the loose change and paperclips, where it then it fell into my drawer.  The note was only about an inch square and it said—in my own handwriting— “We are all a work in progress.”  I often find notes like this with unlabeled phone numbers, or something someone said that I want to remember.  By the end of the year, there are a bunch of them littered across my desk and I guess this one hitched a ride.  It feels like kismet.  (Do you know that word? It means destiny or fate.)
Maybe I am reading into it, but the moment felt magical.  (BTW, I think it’s okay to read into things, but I’m an English teacher and that’s basically my job.)
So I wrote this letter in the dark.  My three year old son gets scared, so my husband and I take turns sitting with him in his room as he falls asleep.  And sometimes an idea you want to write about will not wait and I’m worried that scrolling through Facebook on my phone might make me forget that little sticky note.
Until that night, I wasn’t sure what I would write about in my ninth letter of introduction to my new students.  The letter wasn’t my own idea—I learned it from a professor at NYU (where I got my masters).  Write your students a letter, he told us.  Then have them write you one back.  I’ve done it ever since. 
So, hi.  I’m Mrs. Griswold and I am your English teacher.  This is my fifth year at Harpeth Hall and my husband also teaches here.  We have two kids, a dog, and 5 chickens.  We moved here from New York 4 years ago. 
I went to middle school in Mexico City, high school in Caracas, Venezuela and then college in Cleveland.  I spent my junior year living in London and then I lived in New York where I went to NYU and then taught.  I guess you could say that I am international work in progress.  I have tried out a lot of cities and now here I am.  As a result of all of my years living abroad, I speak Spanish fluently and Portuguese conversationally—as in I can only speak in present tense and my vocabulary isn’t awesome. 
The kismet part of the sticky note is that this was my work in progress summer.  Three years ago I decided that I wanted to try to write a novel.  I signed up for NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month.  In 2012, for the month of November, I wrote about 1,700 words each day and at the end of the month I had 50,000 words.  It was hard work and I was so proud of myself.  I did it!  I was done. 
But my novel wasn’t really done.  I hadn’t finished telling the story, even with 50,000 words.  Then I read that I needed more like 80 or 100,0000 words.  (I am so glad I didn’t know that before I started.) 
So, I spent the next Winterim and summer writing more. 
Then I did it!  I reached 75,000 words.  Except I had only barely edited any of what I had written.  It was 75,000 words of first draft filled with typos and dead ends.  So, I started re-reading from the beginning and editing as I went along.  I thought writing the first 50,000 words was hard.  Editing a novel is even harder.   
I just wanted to be done.  The end, perfect book, someone publish it now. 
Another summer and Winterim and I reached the end of the second draft and thought, okay, maybe I am ready to send it to agents! 
But then I realized that one character’s backstory didn’t really work and it was sort of haunting me.  Not to mention that I had written the book from two different points of view, and I wasn’t sure if all the facts lined up.  I also got some feedback from a writing group that one of my two narrators was less compelling and interesting than the other.
There was also the problem of the timeline.  In addition to having two narrators, the novel bounces around in time and it isn’t chronological. 
Then came this summer.  I changed the verb tenses of my narrators and I really tried to hear the characters speaking in my mind.  I reordered all of my chapters chronologically, and started editing for event and plot clarity. 
As I did that, I decided that one of my characters, the one whose backstory felt a little wonky, would be a dancer and I started interviewing dancers.  I went to the School of the Nashville Ballet.  I watched a dance company rehearse.  I kept writing and editing.
I went to coffee shops and I wrote every day.  Hours of writing.  I would get into that magical zone that psychologists call Flow.  I would look up and three hours had whizzed by.
All along the process of writing this novel, I keep thinking that this summer, this Winterim, I’m going to finish the book.  But I keep learning that it is still a work in progress.  At this point, I can’t imagine it ever not being a work in progress. 
To give myself a break from my novel, which happens to be sort of sad in parts, I worked on a children’s book that I wrote in 2007.  I edited it, I sent it to friends for feedback, and then I sent it to agents that represent children’s books.  Out of 6 agents, I have received 2 rejections, and I’m super pumped.  To me, a rejection meant I was really a writer who was really trying to get a book published.  People who just dream about being a writer never get any rejection letters.  I know that on the other side of rejection is that magical Yes.
I remember thinking in high school that at some point I would just get it.  That all adults had reached some sort of finish line and were just hanging out in the victory tent.  I remember feeling like I had so much to work on and so far to go, but maybe someday I’d be done. 
Writing is reminding me that we are all constantly a work in progress.   
Just as important, however, I’m learning that we have to find ways to be a work in progress, to attempt big, grand, scary things in life—like, say, high school.  Anne Lamott, who wrote Bird by Bird, my favorite book about writing, says:
E.L. Doctorow said once said that “Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” You don’t have to see where you’re going, you don’t have to see your destination or everything you will pass along the way. You just have to see two or three feet ahead of you. This is right up there with the best advice on writing, or life, I have ever heard.
I’m so glad I took on the challenge to write a novel.  Even if it is a work in progress forever.  Even if it never gets published.  I stuck with it.  I’m learning to be patient.  I’m learning not to quit on myself. 
            Okay, your turn.  Write me a letter.  As long as it’s about you, it can be about anything you want.  Maybe something I said has got you thinking.  What are your works in progress?  What big mountain do you want to climb?  What did you do this summer?  Don’t feel like you have to answer these questions.  I just want to get to know you. 

Mrs. Griswold